Hire The Best Talent

Recruiting the best talent is not only more important than ever, it’s also more challenging now because of the rising competition in the job market. Use our Intelligent Talent Finder to help you recruit candidates who are the best fit for your organisation.


Forget about trawling through hundreds of CVs in different formats, and missing out on great talent because they slipped through your usual ATS. We can offer you a powerful solution that enables HR teams to build a stronger talent pool.


Our Intelligent Talent Finder analyses, extracts, and categorises unstructured data from a large number of CVs; and converts them into rich, structured searchable candidate profiles in no time at all. Not only that, our state-of-the-art solution comes with a suite of features to identify, rank, and match the ideal candidates for a specific job vacancy.


With the Intelligent Talent Finder, you’ll get a web-based application with the following features:


  • CV Parser: Build a structured talent pool in a database by parsing unstructured CVs in multiple formats like PDF, .DOC, flat-file, etc. 
  • Job Profile Matcher: Match the applicant to a job description or an ideal candidate profile. 
  • Top Candidates: Find and rank top candidates for your job requirements by filtering through CVs with tags and keywords. 
  • Context Search: Easily search for relevant CVs. 
  • Analytics: Get insights on solution usage and recruitment behaviour 


Our Advanced Analytics team will help you setup the solution environment, including the installation and configuration of tools. We will also provide training, technical documentation, and a user guide.

Device Frame

More Advanced Analytics Pills

Resume Parser

Upload resumes in any format, and get a unified, structured, searchable candidate database.

Employee Attrition Management

Achieve consistent productivity and cost reduction by reducing employee attrition.

Invoice Aging Prediction

Identify overdue invoices and manage your cash flow more effectively.

Fraud Detection

Prevent massive losses caused by fraudulent transactions, with the help of machine learning.

Social Listening

Maximise your marketing ROI by understanding your customers’ behaviour on social media.

Pricing Analytics & Optimisation

Harness the power of pricing analytics and control how pricing impacts your business.

Other Advanced Analytics Pills

Bring the power of Advanced Analytics to any area of your business.

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