ClearPeaks is KNIME Innovation Partner of the Year 2022

ClearPeaks is KNIME Innovation Partner of the Year 2022

We are proud to announce that ClearPeaks has been awarded KNIME Innovation Partner of the Year 2022, a recognition awarded to KNIME partners who go above and beyond in innovating on this technology.


ClearPeaks has been a Trusted Partner of KNIME since 2019, and recently achieved KNIME Ready status in recognition of our team holding 38 total KNIME certifications across all levels.


In 2021, we authored an innovation note on Predicting Employee Attrition with Machine Learning, which was well-received by our audiences. We also participated in the KNIME Spring Data Talks with a breakout session on KNIME for Telco: Enhancing the Customer Lifecycle, where we discussed how AI/ML can help us resolve the challenges of the telecom customer lifecycle and optimise business decision-making.


ClearPeaks also co-hosted the KNIME Data Talks en Español in 2021​, and presented two sessions on Data Science for a Road Transport Enterprise Command Control Centre and Perception Analytics for Gauging Citizen Satisfaction. The event received great feedback from a global audience numbering in the hundreds.


Most importantly, ClearPeaks has been at the forefront in delivering cutting-edge projects based on KNIME to enable our customers to truly leverage advanced analytics to improve business outcomes.


Specifically, in 2021 we have worked with federal entities and public transportation enterprises to design scalable KNIME infrastructure, near real-time data pipelines, integrating KNIME with enterprise platforms using REST API, creating highly secured KNIME environments with thorough auditing capabilities, and per user executors.


We look forward to innovating more with KNIME and delivering innovative projects to fulfil our customers’ needs going forward in 2022. Our focus this year is in the insurance, retail and finance industries (to name a few).


Additionally, we aim to build use cases in fraud detection, invoice processing and retail pricing analytics using KNIME Data Apps this year. Data Apps enable end users to interact with KNIME effortlessly, and offer an integrated environment for quick decision making, increasing user adoption and maximising the ROI on KNIME.


We are also focusing on creating re-usable components in KNIME, which significantly cut down the time required for common Machine Learning tasks and thus enable organisations to reach their Data Science goals faster.


Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you take your advanced analytics to the next level with KNIME!


Advanced Analytics Service
